November 23

My Video Game review

NHL 13 

NHL 13 is a great game and far different from all the other hockey games that EA sports has made. The game really has good feel and it looks like a real hockey game! In the game they added true performance skating that looks VERY real, unlike all the other games that EA sports have made. Also they added many new game modes like General Manager mode and winter classic. They also improved the season mode and playoff mode. Even though they have made all these changes it is still the good old hockey games we all love

November 5

My 24 hour project


In 1925 John Logie Baird demonstrated the world’s first television system to the public. Then the television became a big deal, and now? The average American watches more than 3 hours of TV each day. Did you know that There are currently about 275 million televisions in the U.S., which consume more than 50 billion kWh of energy each year. That’s about 4 percent of each household’s average electricity use! also 40% of Americans always or often watch television while eating dinner. The Television is becoming a big thing in North America and   A 103-inch plasma TV from Panasonic is the largest plasma TV currently available in the market, costing approximately around $70,000. And that is my 24hr project about the television.